The Preservation Idaho Time Machine
The Idaho Time Machine is an education tool from Preservation Idaho, a 501 (c)3 non-profit organization, created to assist educators in teaching Idaho history through interactive projects focused on architectural style, historical events, agriculture, building materials, economics, and geography.
what does the time machine do?
The Idaho Time Machine is designed to ignite a passion for history, culture, and architecture and to spark a lifelong commitment to saving places that matter while helping teachers fulfill their curriculum requirements. This toolbox is easily transported in a standard storage tub (provided) and is filled with activities to engage students in how buildings contribute to their community’s history as well as the importance of farming in Idaho’s past and present.
With the Idaho Time Machine Toolbox, students will learn what buildings look like from different time periods, how people live differently, the importance of early farming in the state and the challenges they faced, and how people made use of the resources available to them. Students will also experience the pride of being able to identify actual historic buildings around the state and share stories about why they’re valuable.
Who is the time machine for?
The Idaho Time Machine meets the needs of multiple goals from the Idaho Content Standards for Grade 4 including Social Studies, Geography, Economics, and Global Perspectives. The primer includes a classroom teaching outline for teachers, but the components can be incorporated into many curriculum topics throughout the school year. It is a fun and hands-on approach to engaging children in the history of their state through the perspective of preservation and the built environment.
What is included in the kit?
A set of primers that include the lesson plan and the resources needed for completing each activity. Teachers can walk students through why old buildings matter, historic architectural styles, and building materials. Then students will use the primer to accomplish the following activities.

The Timeline Roll-Out Map
Students will use the Architectural Reference Guide in the primer to place coasters showing architectural styles onto the appropriate slot on the timeline map. This will help them understand which architectural features were created in context of what events were happening in the state.
The Idaho State Geography Map
Students will use the Architectural Reference Guide to place the coasters of actual historic buildings in Idaho onto their appropriate geographic location. This will help students identify valuable historic buildings around the state and make connections on how communities used resources natural to their landscape to build.
The Building Materials Board
Students will learn about different building materials in Idaho by using the Top 8 Building Materials list. This will help students recognize architectural materials upon sight and understand how they are made using natural resources.
The Preservation Idaho Farm Game
This board game walks students through each season from the perspective of a farmer over multiple years. Students will learn about the difficult decisions that farmers have to make in order to be profitable. This game employs history, economics, risk evaluation, and mathematics. The Farm Game can be purchased separately from the rest of the toolbox.
How do i get a time machine?
Would you like to find out more about how to get a Preservation Idaho Time Machine for your school? We can work with you on purchasing the full toolbox or just the Preservation Idaho Farm Game! Contact us for price inquiries. The cost of the Preservation Idaho Time Machine covers production costs only. Preservation Idaho makes no funds on this program.
Thank you to City of Boise Arts and History Department for providing funding and support for this Preservation Idaho program.