Preservation Idaho Board Member Spotlight - Paula Benson, Board President

Program Director Gaby Thomason here to celebrate our incredible Board Members at Preservation Idaho with some Q&As for 2 weeks of Idaho Gives!

Our team works tirelessly to save and protect Idaho’s historic and cultural heritage by preserving historic buildings throughout the state, advocating at the state and local levels, creating programs to highlight Idaho history, and opening lines of communications in every community. We at Preservation Idaho are proud to have each of them on our team and deeply appreciate the volunteer hours and energy they put in to protect and honor our state’s history.

You can support Preservation Idaho’s great education programs by donating to Idaho Gives.

Today we start by spotlighting our courageous and thoughtful leader, Board President Paula Benson!

Paula has ensured that our organization is involved in important conversations about change, development, and protection for our historic places during a time of great development for our state. She has facilitated countless relationship-building meetings and excels at driving and fulfilling Preservation Idaho’s mission.

Preservation Idaho (PI): What is your background in history and preservation?

Paula Benson (PB): I was an economics major in college with an avid interest in history.  I have no formal preservation background but I have been blessed to have found amazing local mentors who have helped me make a mission out of an avocation!

PI: What inspired you to join Preservation Idaho?

PB: I was interested in the tours that Preservation Idaho offered and - after participating in a few tours and meeting Dan Everhart, Sheri Freemuth, John Bertram and other members - I got involved as a volunteer, then a committee member, then after a few years, a board member. 


PI: What is your favorite preservation project you’ve been part of?

PB: My favorite part of Preservation Idaho is the advocacy work we do.  More than any one project, it has been so gratifying to see the increased awareness and movement-to-action that has occurred over the last 10 years.  Preservation Idaho has always been at the forefront of historic preservation in the state but we have seen more people become motivated to action and to speaking out as growth has made the future of our historic buildings and sites more imperiled.  What started in 1972 is no less relevant or necessary today.

PI: What do you wish people knew about historic preservation?

PB: I wish people knew more about how easy it is to advocate for historic preservation.  A simple email, letter, or phone call can make a difference and does!

PI: How else are you involved in your local community?

PB: I have served on the board of my HOA for two terms.  I participate in a book club and try to be of service in small and large ways whenever I can. I helped out in my niece's elementary school classrooms for a number of years and my appreciation for a teachers daily work load went off the charts!  

PI: What’s a fun fact about you?

PB: Fun Fact:  I am a blood donor.  I just received a "5 gallon" pin from the Red Cross.  Talk about a renewable resource!

Keep an eye out for more Upcoming Preservation Idaho Board Member Spotlights!

Preservation Idaho has an all-volunteer working board and your support this Idaho Gives will be used to build and promote our two most important educational programs, The Preservation Idaho Time Machine and the Idaho Architecture Project. Visit our page at Idaho Gives to learn more and donate today!